About me

An enthusiastic life coach and crystal healer who motivates and help people to achieve their goals.


Turning your Intutions into a reality

I will help you turning your dreams, intutions in a true reality

Why work with me

Unique techniques

unique and newest techniques of law of attraction and manifestations.

100% safe and secure

Our system is secure ,safe and pure.

Customer Satisfaction

My motto is satisfaction of my clients be it crystal healing or law of attraction.

My story

My name is Dr. Vibha Mahajan based in UK. I am a Proffessor at university in London. I am a Property Dealer.I am also a stone astrologer. I have started a you tube channel Law of Attraction. I have created this channel to share my knowlege about Law of Attraction and how I changed my life miraculously from 9-5 Job to multi million pound business. My aim is to bring videos like how to manifest money, how to manifest love, how to manifest a dream job, how to manifest health. I want to be with you in this journey of becoming rich and prosporous. My channel will help you to manifest anything along with manifesting fast. I am here to provide you all the law of attraction solutions. On my channel I will bring videos about affirmation, vision board, visualisation, how LOA works, how to atrract money, how the secrets of the Universe work, meditation, positive energy. frequency. With the help of these video’s you will be able to unleash the power which is with in you and see the magic and the secret which moves the Universe and fulffill all your desires. Contact me at v.mahajan@aol.co.uk

Principles of our work

Customer focus

Focus on Individual satisfaction of customer

Up to date skills

Skills taught practised and mentored. by me

Corporate culture

Training ,coaching , menifestations provided will be fully proffessional