Fluorite Tower

Fluorite is multi-colored mineral regarded for its effective energetic recovery properties and mesmerising physical splendor. Regarded for its capacity to soak up poor power and transmute it into positive energy, fluorite is the precise crystal companion for any character experiencing religious or existential burnout. Certainly being inside the equal surroundings as this crystal can raise your vibration and enhance your natural charisma. Amongst many other blessings, applying fluorite’s healing residences on your lifestyles will provide you with clarity of mind. Permit’s discover extra approximately this powerful stone and the various methods it could improve your lifestyles.



Opalite stone is believed to promote openness and emotional balance, making it a powerful spiritual aid. It can be used in meditation and crystal healing rituals to help the user access higher realms of consciousness, leading to a greater understanding of one’s purpose.

  • Opalite also encourages communication with spirit guides and helps tap into intuitive powers for insight into life’s events.
  • Additionally, opalite stone can help one to find and express their true feelings and release any blocked energy.
  • Its calming energies are believed to bring a sense of peace and tranquility. Overall, opalite is an excellent tool for spiritual growth and development.


A “ gravestone of transition ”, Lepidolite assists in the release and reorganisation of old behavioural and cerebral patterns, gently converting change. It brings deep emotional mendingsoothing and reducing stress and depression. Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the loftiest good.