
Transform Your Life

Unleashing Your Potential Through my publications

Wheel of Happiness : Secrets that worked for me.

‘Ask and receive’. Can this magic happen in real life? Can you harness the power of your thoughts to attract what you desire? Can one apply the Law of Attraction in real life? Yes. One has the power to change the direction towards success. You draw and you are drawn by forces that can shape your life. Ask anything from Universe and the only thing Universe do is to say ‘TATHASTU – so be it’. 

We look for fulfilment in all aspects of life, including wealth, health, relationships, the purpose of life, inner joy, and peace. This is a rounded, successful life, a life of abundance. Is it possible to alchemy wealth, health, relationships, the purpose of life, inner joy, and peace all together? The uniqueness of the book is the author’s quest for real success and  how she achieves this in her own life while unearthing the ancient wisdom and enlightenment in the modern idiom. In doing so, she has sculpted a wheel of inner happiness and peace to attract success and to make life refreshing and a magical experience. 

It is true. The Law of Attraction can deliver a life of true abundance. 

Harness The Law of Attraction: A True Story of a Teenager Who Manifested Success

This book is based on true events of a young boy from his birth to his early adult life. The author is taking through his journey though the changing valleys, and reflections as the passage take place. Each parent strives to give the best experiences and outcomes to their children. The author does believe the life is a journey forward, with little or no tool for navigation. Often it is like sailing through a sea full of fog on a pitch-dark night, holding a little lantern. What comes to your aid when the sailing gets tough in the troubled waters and uncertainties? It looks dreams powered with, love, affection, compassion, and gratitude sails well. You have a hidden force, within you and you can tap into this life affirming force, to enrich your life. Use your inner force, harness the inner power, to receive abundance, from the universe. Just ‘Ask’ and you will ‘Receive’. The book is about how to affirm success, as the valleys speak to you directly. The author believes, both the teenagers and parents will draw benefits from this book.


Dream big

In their most basic form, mandalas are circles contained within a square and arranged into sections that are all organized around a single, central point. They’re typically produced on paper or cloth, drawn on a surface with threads, fashioned in bronze, or built in stone. While extraordinary as a standalone work of art, mandalas hold symbolic and meditative meaning beyond their vibrant appearance.

Law of Attraction, Manifestation and full moon meditation retreat